Yahoo’s Latest ‘Community’ Contest Combines Binge Watching And Princeton Review

Did you enjoy Community season six on Yahoo? Think you could ace a standardized test based on this season and only this season? Well, Yahoo has a contest for you. If you could traverse Yahoo Screen without frustration and watched every episode of the newest season over and over again, Yahoo and Princeton Review want you to come to their testing centers for a chance to win.

The “Communathon” is your chance to find out where a testing center is in your city (for later reference) and to possibly win some cash-related prizes. All you have to do is go to this link, find your center, and then head out at the specified time:

On Sunday, August 30th, head over to one of eight Princeton Review locations to bubble in your scantron and hang out with other Communies. The highest scorers in each location will have a chance to win some of the amazing prizes…

If you can’t make it to a testing center, head to for a chance to win $5,000 cash to help you pay for school, pay-off your loans, or pay for that trip to Vegas next weekend.

Not to spoil anything, but the online prize is the top amount if you’re worried about that sort of thing. Real fans would do this for the thrill of being the best, in person, in a standardized testing center, on a Sunday. The excitement is hard to contain.

The biggest problem with this test seems to be that it doesn’t include all seasons of Community. And by that, I mean all of the Community seasons that aren’t the season where Dan Harmon was fired. I enjoyed season six quite a bit, but I don’t know if I’d want to spend all that time binge watching it (unless it helped get a movie made). I’ll take your silly test if you promise to put the money towards making a Community movie, Yahoo. That makes more sense.

(Via Communathon / Yahoo)