Having a bunch of major internet players creating unique video content is cool, but unless you’ve really got your finger on the pulse of the web, you may be missing a lot of content that’s right up your alley. Take for example James Franco’s Making a Scene, a collection of video shorts where Franco and his buddies take TV shows and movies and mash them together to make something new and funny.
Season one aired on AOL from September to November of last year and featured combinations like Dirty Dancing and Reservoir Dogs, Wayne’s World meets Titanic, and Forrest Gump in Back to the Future. It also went virtually unnoticed by the majority of the world, who were too busy watching everything on Netflix instead. Which is too bad, because there are some legitimately funny moments in that season.
Now is your chance to catch up, or watch from the start of season two. The first episode is already out and features Breaking Bad meets Sex and the City. The preview for the new episodes also features James Franco as Jon Snow sitting on the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones, so we have that to look forward to, as well. What will they be remixing in with it? Only time will tell. The crew choose which mash-ups to make by spinning a giant wheel with show names on it, so it really could be anything.
You can watch all the episodes of Making a Scene here on AOL’s very well-hidden streaming media site.
(via Entertainment Weekly)