If You Want Deals, This Is The Week To Buy Your Holiday Flights


The holidays still feel a long way off, but they aren’t. Not in “airline time,” at least. Flight prices are beginning to trend upwards and will get more and more expensive in the weeks to come. Basically, in the game of flight buying, you purchase this week…or you die.

Okay, maybe it’s not quite that drastic, but just about every flight aggregator is recommending that you buy your flights this week. Hopper warns of an impending fare spike as the holidays approach and Orbitz is going even more specific — pinpointing October 6 as the day to purchase Thanksgiving flights, October 9 for Christmas, and October 10 for New Years.

If you do decide to buy your flights this week (yes, planning ahead is hard but you really will save money), take a look at our Guide To Finding Cheap Flights On The Web.