The R2-D2 Moving Fridge That Will Bring You Beer Gets An Out Of This World Trailer

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens downright shattering presale ticket sales and being the most highly anticipated film in all pop culture geekdom, Star Wars merchandise is to be expected. However, Japan decided to truly swing for the fences by creating a remote controlled R2-D2 refrigerator.

Thanks to a collaboration between Haier Asia and Disney, the droid is a faithful recreation of the actual Star Wars fan favorite- down to the very movement and mechanical beep language of R2.

If that isn’t enough for you, an official trailer for the R2-D2 refrigerator has now hit the Internet, where fans can drool over the intricate and faithful design of the moving fridge. Before you contemplate placing the R2-D2 refrigerator in your Star Wars collection next to your moving BB-8, consider breaking your bank account. Japan’s Aqua (which is a division of Haier) has the R2 fridge available for preorder for the not so light price of $8,300, with a December date scheduled for shipments. If you are a Star Wars fanatic that has money to burn, this may be the gift for you.

In the meantime, enjoy the trailer of the R2-D2 refrigerator which is instantly better than the Phantom Menace trailer ever hoped to be.

(Via Mashable)