Spray-On Nail Polish Is Too Good To Be True


In what would be a godsend to clumsy people everywhere if not for the downsides (which we’ll get to in a moment), a company called Nails Inc. is planning to release a spray-on nail polish that washes off skin, but sticks to a topcoat pre-applied to nails (which is one of those downsides we hinted at). Here’s a too-good-to-be-true video:


“Paint Can” by Nails Inc. is reportedly going to be available Wednesday (Nov. 12) for $11 per can, and it comes in two colors: Shoreditch Lane (gray) and Hoxton Market (pink).

The biggest downside is printed right on the can:


“MUST USE BASE COAT.” That’s right, you’ve got to put a layer of the clear stuff on first. (╯° °)╯︵ ┻━┻

If that wasn’t enough of a table-flipping deal breaker, Paint Can also apparently requires a top coat (the same bottle as the base coat, next to the spray can in the picture above).


This is two steps too many for a spray-on nail polish. I don’t even wear nail polish and this makes me angry. I didn’t know I wanted spray-on nail polish to exist until now, and suddenly I’m mad that it takes too many steps. Yes, I’m that guy on the plane Louis C.K. was complaining about.

(Via Fashionably Geek and Nails Inc.)