Warm Your Cynical Heart With This Video Of Justin Bieber Surprising His Superfans

We get it. It’s the middle of the workweek, it’s probably cold outside where you live and you’ve known that Santa Claus was a sham for going on two or three years now. Anyone would be a bit of a grump in that situation, and seeing a headline with Justin Bieber’s name in it likely isn’t helping.

But trust us, you’re going to want to watch these superfans’ reactions to being surprised by the “Sorry” singer. The synapse-shattering, knee-buckling joy that these fans feel when Bieber surprises them with tickets is infectious.

Bieber staged the stunt, wherein he surprised unsuspecting fans while they talked about how much they loved him, as part of his week-long stint on Ellen (and his months-long campaign to make all of us begrudgingly like him). After the fans got their screams and hugs out (and confirmed that Justin Bieber was actually, really in the room with them), Bieber gave them tickets to the concert he’s holding on the day his new album Purpose drops.

Bieber’s week on Ellen has been a success so far. Check out his candid talk about Selena Gomez and leaked nudes followed by an excellent acoustic performance of “Sorry.” Also, give a listen to his latest tracks from Purpose.

(Via MTV)