If You Thought The Presidential Race Was Scary, Wait Until You See The Candidates As Horrifying Clowns


Multimedia artist Will Espada is about to infiltrate your worst nightmares with images that will haunt you at least until Election Day 2016. Why? Because he has re-imagined some of the current presidential candidates as clowns. For many of us, clowns are really freaking scary (or at least creepy), so these are not images for the weak of heart. Espada has been sharing his work on Instagram, so check out a few of these individual pics if you’ve recovered from the clown car above.

We’ll start off slow. Here is sad clown Bernie Sanders, moping in the name of the dwindling middle class and his final, only pair of underwear:


Here is a clearly homicidal Ben Carson clown, who will kill you in his sleep unless he’s just lying about that:


Here’s Carly Fiorina who will not be bullied and will stare you down until you die of laughter:


Chris Christie is the one who thinks he’s the ringleader, but that’s just because he causes massive problems for anyone who questions him:


And here is Hillary Clinton, beaming with the confidence of someone who can control your every action and thought:


Here is the reigning King of the Clowns Donald Trump, because what more is there to say on this subject?


Jeb Bush is the adorably dumb hitchhiking clown who is just trying his best to keep up:


And Ted Cruz just looks way too perfect as a clown because he might be a Will Forte character:


Feel free to imagine these images during the next debate. It will help us all get through this, though we may lose a few souls along the way.

Source: Will Espada