‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Goes Old-School For Its Latest Set Of Posters

With the re-emergence of Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker and even the Millennium Falcon, the marketing for the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been pushing all the proper nostalgia buttons for fans of the original trilogy. However, the new posters for the film may be the biggest achievement in nostalgia yet.

The retro posters that were revealed are a tribute to the pre-released material for the original Star Wars from 1977. The posters include a nice homage to the “Coming to Your Galaxy This Summer” poster. Another one is a reference to the “A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away…” poster from the original. The third poster is a throwback to the less known street poster that read: “An Entertainment Odyssey to the Edge of Your Imagination, and Beyond.

The posters can be seen here. It seems that with the film less than a month away, the marketing team is not only firing on all cylinders (in luring fans to check out the movie) but also convincing them that this is the film that Star Wars diehards have been craving since Return of the Jedi. There are no annoying Gungans in sight and The Force seems to be strong with this film as the release date is inching slowly closer.

(Via IGN)