A Santa’s Savvy Interaction With A Hearing-Impaired Girl Will Melt Your Heart

Shopping mall Santas are fascinating creatures, aren’t they? Some are lovely, some are awful, and some just like giving themselves the gift of booze. One mall Santa out of the U.K. has managed to turn the internet into a big ol’ tub of “awwwwwww” this holiday season thanks to a savvy interaction with a hearing-impaired girl.

A Santa Claus stationed at the Cleveland Centre shopping mall in Middlesbrough showed off smarts and skills when chatting with a child earlier this month. When he discovered the adorable young’un he was speaking with was hearing impaired, Santa decided to go an alternate route for getting their chat in.

“Can she sign at all?” asked Santa.

“Yeah, she does animals and things like that,” explained the mom.

This revelation allowed for the crafty Kris Kringle to communicate with the girl and turn the 280,000+ viewers of this clip into blubbering messes. The corresponding YouTube comment section has been stuffed with raves for this versatile man. The main takeaway: This Santa is a super sweet beardo that deserves either a medal or a raise.

C’mon, give it a watch and let this video melt your heart.

(Via Daily Mail)