Jon Stewart Returns To ‘The Daily Show’ To Do A Little Shaming For 9/11 First Responders

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Jon Stewart made his return to The Daily Show on Monday. No, not to steal the show back from Trevor Noah — although it was kinda like he did. Stewart was the only guest of the night and it was for a great cause: shaming members of Congress over the “hard to pay for” 9/11 first responders bill. As it stands, the Zadroga Bill is still in limbo and Stewart accompanied a group of New York’s first responders to Washington to confront those who still hadn’t signed the bill. This includes current presidential nominee Rand Paul, who had no time to meet with Stewart and his group, but made time to meet with some folks from the energy business.

Most of the ire was saved for Mitch McConnell who has promised to pass the bill and continues to sidestep it politically. They didn’t get the face to face time, but they did send a strong message with a video package and the visual of Stewart’s updated 9/11 panel. When you see that full table dwindle down to just two guys, you really get a bit of a gut punch and feel your blood boiling a bit.

If you want to help out, make your voice heard with the hashtag #WorstResponders. Or you can write a letter. Might work.

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