Bradley Cooper’s Thoughts On Sobriety Might Make You Consider Moderation This Christmas


Having recently heard Bradley Cooper say being sober for 11 years changed his life and saved his career, it’s maybe good to ponder cutting back this holiday season and a bit in 2016. Worth a thought. Maybe there’s something to the whole sobriety thing.

In a recent interview with Barbara Walters, Cooper said “I would never be sitting here with you, no way, no chance ” he said. “I wouldn’t have been able to have access to myself or other people, or even been able to take in other people, if I hadn’t changed my life. I never would have been able to have the relationships that I do. I never would have been able to take care of my father the way I did when he was sick. So many things.”

The actor announced his sobriety back in 2012 and has since said his addiction to booze and pills were drastically holding back his career. Back in 2013 he said “The one thing that I’ve learned in life is the best thing I can do is embrace who I am and then do that to the fullest extent, and then whatever happens, happens.”

So again, no judgement. Everything in moderation…even moderation.

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