Uncle Sam Wants You For An Ungodly, Rations-Only Dietary Experiment

U.S. Troops In Kuwaiti Desert Prepare For War
Getty Image / Chris Hondros

Are you and your gut ready to serve your country? A new study by the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine’s military nutrition division is looking for volunteers to eat an exclusive diet of MREs (a.k.a. Meals, Ready-to-Eat) for a 21 day stretch.

According to the Army Times, this study has been put into play to improve the military’s understanding of how these rationed edibles relate to a serviceman’s gut health and explore what might be lacking on the MRE menu. The head of the study, Dr. J. Philip Karl, believes that further research will result in helpful practical changes.

“Research will give us some idea of what we think will work, we’ll go and test to make sure it’s doing what I think it’s doing, and at that point it starts to get incorporated into the rations.”

If you’re looking to participate in this multi-week study, you’ll have be within driving distance of Natick, Massachusetts, and be cool with a diet of MREs, water and black coffee for three weeks. Alcohol is a no-go during this MRE adventure, but compensation of up $200 is waiting for those that complete the study. That’s not the only criteria laid out for would-be MRE warriors, mind you. Here are some of the other key bullet points for potential guinea pigs.

– Be 18-62 years old.
– Be willing to eat and drink only MRE items for 21 consecutive days.
– Not be trying to lose weight.
– Be willing to give blood, urine and fecal samples.
– Not have a history of gastrointestinal problems.
– Meet additional screening criteria.

Interested in taking on this challenge? The contact info is right here.

(via Army Times)