Amy Schumer And Jennifer Lawrence Make Their Public BFF Debut At The Golden Globes

Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence have spent the past few months on a whirlwind “We’re New Best Friends” Tour of America. They’ve jet-skiied in the Hamptons. They’ve danced on a piano at a Billy Joel concert in Chicago. They’ve written a movie in Atlanta. They’ve eaten Thanksgiving dinner with Diane Sawyer on Martha’s Vineyard. But tonight’s Golden Globes marked the new BFFs first public appearance together: The two took the stage simultaneously to introduce each other’s nominated films — Schumer’s Trainwreck and Lawrence’s Joy — and took the opportunity to demonstrate exactly why they get along so well (and why, as even they admitted, we all so desperately want to hang out with them).

Schumer and Lawrence kicked off their presentation with a riff on celebrity nicknames and, naturally, a bleeped remark from the envelope-pushing Schumer. “Hello, I’m J. Law,” said Lawrence. “And I’m A. Schu,” said Schumer. “Amy, you can’t just give yourself a celeb nickname,” replied Lawrence. “It has to come naturally. What do people usually call you?” “Usually they just call me a c*nt,” deadpanned Schumer.

After Schumer admonished an audience member for looking at their cell phone (“Please turn your phone off”), the two went off on a strange but charming tangent about… saving the world? “We’re thrilled. Dreams. Helping children,” said Schumer. “World peace,” added Lawrence. “…Cars,” said Schumer. “Medicine,” concluded Lawrence. The audience appeared both perturbed and delighted.

The pair wrapped things up with some self-aware, tongue-in-cheek commentary about all the attention paid to their burgeoning friendship. “In all seriousness,” said Lawrence, “as women in Hollywood, people have a lot of preconceived notions about us.” Schumer nodded, adding, “They’re just like, ‘Oh, Jen, Amy, they’re so pretty, everyone likes them and they seem so fun to be around. They should be models.’ ” Yeah, that about sums it up.

Still to be determined: Whether the Golden Globes will grant Lawrence’s wish that Schumer win instead of her.