Nigel D. Presents: The Streets Of Cairo, Egypt

I already posted pictures from Rome, now here are pictures taken in Cairo, Egypt. Egypt is one of those places every one wants to go to at least once in life. You see images of the, “Great Pyramids Of Giza,” and “The Great Sphinx,” everywhere and want to see them in person one day. Last week Monday I finally got a chance to see them in person and travel around Cairo.

The day before going to Cairo I saw a newspaper saying tanks were back in Tahir Sqaure. Tahir Square is where all the protests take place and also where the Egyptian museum is located. While I have heard various stories about the dangers of Cairo, I decided to take a chance and get a glimpse of some history. So I flew from Dubai to Egypt, which are opposites in a lot of ways. In Dubai you see people driving around in a Rolls Royce while in Cairo I saw people riding horses. Dubai had people from various countries while where I was at in Cairo was mainly people from Egypt it appears. In Cairo, for the first time I entered a hotel where you have to get your car checked and go through a metal detector before you enter. While Cairo is in Africa, it appears to be a middle eastern city and I didn’t see an abundance of black people. Keep in mind I was only in Cairo for 24 hours.

Check the pictures below, and feel free to leave comments/questions.

Photos By Nigel D.

My view on the plane ride over Cairo, Egypt. It may look like a desert but those are actually all buildings.

The Egyptian pound with the trademark Sphinx.

The cab ride to the hotel was one of the longest cab rides I have ever taken. The traffic was a mess and people swerve in and out of lanes with out signals.

You will find horses a lot on the streets of Cairo.

Finally got to see the, “Great Pyramids Of Giza.” To really appreciate these structures you need to do research and learn how old they are and what it took to build them.

The Pyramids have steps so you can climb up them.
I got a chance to go inside one of the pyramids. The pathway down was tight to the point where you can’t stand up straight. You also have to go down a wooden path which isn’t really steps as you can see on the left. There isn’t much to see inside and it is hot, but it is a good experience nonetheless.

If you ever visit the pyramids be prepared to be harassed by people selling water, souvenirs and camel rides. Your best bet is to ignore everybody!
I was tempted to buy a 2013 camel.
A view by the pyramids over looking the city of Cairo.

If you plan on going to Cairo you should stay close to the pyramids, I stayed at the, Le Méridien Pyramids Hotel & Spa.
This area reminded me of, “Occupy Wall Street,” with people camped out. Luckily for me there weren’t any tanks or chaos the day I went.

On the way to the Egyptian museum you see this big building that was set on fire during the protests. The crazy thing is this building is a few feet away from the Egyptian museum.

I would expect to see this in L.A. but not on the streets of Cairo, Egypt.
While in Cairo you see a lot of buildings like this where people live. Sometimes they live in unfinished buildings as well. Of course Cairo has poor areas as well as lavish areas.

The Cairo version of a taxi.

Bought some authentic Papyrus art while in Cairo. Papyrus is the first paper in history.