Meet The Autistic Barista Who Turned His Movement Disorder Into Some Sick Dance Moves

It’s nice to be reminded that some good exists in this world, and today’s reminder is pretty awesome. It concerns a young man named Sam who lives with autism. Due to his condition, he suffers from a movement disorder that makes it impossible for him to control his body sometimes. That’s why he makes sudden moves that might alarm or concern the people around him. But Sam isn’t letting his body slow him down. He’s working in a Toronto-area Starbucks where, after many hours of practice, he’s learned how to change his jerks and tics into sick dance moves that have given him confidence and made him a beloved fixture in his community.

Cosmopolitan reports that Sam’s dance moves going viral are the fondest wish of Carly Fleischmann, an autism advocate who’s gained internet celebrity in her own right and is using her voice to make those living with the disorder more visible in the mainstream. Here’s what Fleischmann posted as the description for the video:

My birthday is in four days and my birthday wish this year is to have this video go viral. I would like to introduce you to a young teenager named Sam.

When he was offered a position to work at Starbucks Sam told his parents that for the first time in his life. That his life had real meaning. Sam was diagnosed with autism and like some people with autism Sam has a movement disorder. Sam has a hard time keeping his body still. Sam never thought that he would be able to work behind the bar because of his sudden movements but his manager Chris believed in him and got Sam to channel his movements into dance.

It has taken Sam and Chris a lot of shifts and hours to get Sam to do what he is doing in the video. Sam is now known as the dancing barista. If it wasn’t for Chris believing in Sam he would of never believed in himself.

More people like Sam need to be seen, heard and given a chance to thrive and dance. Please show your support by sharing and reposting. Help make my birthday wish come true!

According to Cosmo, Sam told his parents that working at Starbucks has finally given his life meaning.

The video already has over 150,000 views, but it’s still got a ways to go before it’s considered viral. Whether it makes it to all your friends’ Facebook timelines or not, though, one thing is clear: Sam is awesome.

(Via Cosmopolitan)