Hair Dyed To Look Like Famous Art Is The Most Beautiful Thing You Could Put On Your Head

Some people look at a work of art–Edvard Munch’s The Scream, say–and think “I would love to have this in my home.” Others might wonder if they themselves could paint something so beautiful. But there’s a third category of people and a fourth: one wonders how great art would look on their head and the other says “live your dreams, I’ll turn your hair into a living breathing Van Gogh.” Actually, there may only be one person in that fourth group. Her name: Ursula Goff; her mission: to turn hair into world-renowned works of art.

Goff’s fine art series, which is quickly growing popular on Instagram, combines two of her passions: cosmetology and art, the latter of which she’s been interested in since a young age. And anyone who doesn’t consider hair dyeing to be an art would be hard-pressed to call what Goff does anything but, especially after seeing her amazing interpretation of The Starry Night:

Or her spirited rendition of the aforementioned The Scream:

How about some Andy Warhol?

And here’s The Kiss by Klimt:

But if that’s a little too subtle, Goff’s also done a gorgeous interpretation of Red Canna Lilly by Georgia O’Keeffe:

If she wasn’t busy before, it looks like Goff’s about to get slammed with potential clients. Congratulations to her. Who else wants to buy a plane ticket to Kansas to see her as soon as humanly possible? And if art isn’t your thing, Goff also does an amazing Icelandic volcano:

(via Cosmopolitan)