There’s New Footage of ‘The Largest Shark Ever Filmed’ And It’s Huge

Last year, we introduced you to Deep Blue, “the largest shark ever filmed.” Six months later, we’re here to bring you even more terrifyingly beautiful footage of divers’ encounter with the massive Great White Shark.

The video was captured in 2013 off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico west of the Baja Peninsula. The newly released footage was recorded by diving enthusiast Michael Maier. It shows a new angle of Deep Blue circling the cage of several entranced spectators. It is pretty evident that she is huge. In fact, she’s approximately 7 meters (over 20 feet) long. And according to the video’s description, she’s at least 50 years old.

If you didn’t guess from watching the clip, Deep Blue isn’t just super fat. We can confirm she’s actually super pregnant. Her nautical themed baby shower was about a year ago and sources close to the shark say items on the registry included unisex onesies that say, “My Mom’s the Greatest.”

About halfway through the video, Deep Blue can be seen curiously nipping at the corner of the divers’ cage. Fortunately for these onlookers, she doesn’t assume the same merciless, “if you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em” philosophy that this slightly less forgiving female shark did, and the divers proceed to marvel unscathed. The diver in the frame shoos her away, flapping his hand dismissively and then gets the best high-five of his life.

We understand that knowing Deep Blue and her babies are out there, freely roaming the ocean might freak you out a little bit, but you’re more likely to be killed by a dog and way more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a shark, so try to reel it in.