The ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ Season Two Teaser Is Pure Joy

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a delightful little show (our second favorite from 2015) that has enriched my everyday vocabulary. Troll the respawn, Jeremy; females are strong as hell; crank you for being a crank; I’m having candy for dinner; that is definitely not Miss Piggy — I didn’t know I needed these quotes in my life, but now I don’t know what I’d do without them.

The teaser for season two of Kimmy Schmidt smartly references some of the show’s most-repeated lines, including hashbrown: no filter, Peeno Noir Caviar, and stranger danger ranger. It also plays up how Ellie Kemper, with her radiant outfit and handful of confetti, is human sunshine.

There are precious few details about season two out there, but we do know Tina Fey is returning as a different character, Kimmy’s mom will make her debut, and we’re not done with the bunker, as much as Kimmy “would love to believe that it’s entirely behind her because of the trial,” according to Fey. (Also, the show’s already been renewed for season three.) Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt returns April 15, which is too many spidermen, er, days away.

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