This Blooper From A Hooters Ball Girl Proves That Everyone Has Work To Do In Spring Training

This Vine clip is but one of two examples presented here, and both illustrate how Hooters ball girls perform a mostly thankless service. No one appreciates their work until they get things wrong, which is what happened to this ball girl while she manned the foul lines for a Phillies and Tigers Spring Training game. This woman gamely scooped up a ball and attempted an underhanded toss, but the ball went straight up instead of forward, and the desired recipients bemusedly watched from the stands. Few people would have normally noticed this terrible throw during Spring Training, but of course, someone tossed the clip on Vine where it will live forever.

This poor woman will forever be internet famous as the ball girl who can’t hit a vague target ten feet away from her. She even looks straight toward the camera before the throw, so someone’s girlfriend or daughter is feeling very embarrassed right about now. Lest you think people will forget and move on with life, nope. Here’s a clip of another Hooters ball girl, who accidentally nabbed a live ball for one lucky kid. This video is from 2013, and it’s still painfully glorious to behold.

(Via BroBible)