Science Explains Why We Have Pubic Hair And Why Shaving It Might Not Be A Good Idea

Did you know that humans are the only mammalian species in the world to have long, coarse, pubic hair? It’s true! There are a couple of possible theories for this. One hypothesizes that our pubes are a visual signal that we are ready to mate, while another involves pheromones, or it could be something as simple as pubes being there to protect from friction during intercourse.

But as grooming trends tend to change over the ages, so does how we view pubic hair on our bodies, and right now many people are favoring to get rid of it entirely — with 96% of women and 87% of men surveyed admitting to either partially or completely buzzing off their pubes. So, do we need pubes? What’s the benefit of having them?

Well, other than the itchiness, rashes, and ingrown hairs that can be a byproduct of waxing or shaving, it’s apparently been correlated with the rise of STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HPV. (Although interestingly enough, it has also been responsible for a unequivocal down-tick in cases of genital lice, or crabs.) But most medical emergencies have to do with the actual act of hair removal, itself.

So shave it off, bush it out, there are pros and cons to both, so might as well do whatever floats your boat. Just a quick word of advice no matter what your preference: personal grooming trimmers can be your best friend.

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