Antarctica’s Been Declared ‘The World’s First LGBT-Friendly Continent,’ And The Penguins Couldn’t Be Happier


No one show this post to the guy whose wife cries about swans being gay, because what you’re about to read is likely to bring a cold frigid tear (because of the climate) to anyone’s eye. Antarctica, known for penguins, unforgiving terrain, and being a major part of the flat Earth conspiracy has just been declared the world’s friendliest continent for people who identify as LGBT.

According to The Huffington Post, Planting Peace (the organization you may remember from the time its members bought a house next to Westboro headquarters and painted it into a stunning rainbow) sent several members across the icy continent carrying a giant Pride flag to declare “full human rights” for all the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender people and animals that live there. The organization wasn’t just marching for Antarctica, though. They used the newsworthy promotion to campaign for equal rights for LGBT-identifying individuals everywhere, regardless of nation or state.

Basic human rights? Give those to everyone!

From The Huffington Post:

“I traveled to Antarctica to play a role in spreading visibility for the need for basic human rights for the LGBT community,”Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace, told The Huffington Post. “It was an honor to carry the Pride flag throughout Antarctica, and Planting Peace will not stop fighting for LGBT rights until all sexual and gender minorities experience full, fundamental rights in every corner of the world.”

While Planting Peace’s move is only one of many in a fight for human equality, it’s a great reminder that we need to keep raising awareness of LGBT issues across the globe. It may be getting better in the United States (and it may be awesome in Antarctica), but there are still many places in which being free to express one’s sexual orientation or gender identity is not only considered inappropriate, but may be incredibly dangerous both physically and emotionally. A couple of young penguins chilling on the Pride flag, though? That’s a great way to promote the cause!

Of course, this is also a good time to bring out this wonderful photo of Leslie Knope driving some gay penguins from Pawnee to their new home in Ohio, where gay marriage is totally cool. It’s a great day, y’all.

(Via The Huffington Post)