This Is What A Rise To Stardom Sounds Like For A Teenage Girl

When do childhood dreams become a reality? Good question… for most of us, they don’t. The “dreams” we hatch innocently as kids to be movie stars, pop artists or even the once-popular cowboy slowly dissipate over time like a smoky exhale out of the Marlboro Man’s mouth.

Not Ellise Gitas. She’s going for it. First when she was a little girl performing for home video cameras. Then when she decided to finish high-school early and skip college to move to L.A. to pursue her dream.

Now, with her selection on the Uproxx original series, Uncharted, she’s gotten an opportunity to work with a Grammy-nominated producer to record her original song, “Break Down,” a track written about her relationship with her mom, an Iraqi immigrant.

You can see the fruits of that labor in the performance above. Watch, it’s catchy as all hell.

To see the rest of Ellise’s story, check out her full episode right here.