Andrew W.K. Is Founding The Party Party To Fix American Politics

Are you sick of the two-party system? Are the current options for president leaving you uninspired? Well, then, Andrew W.K. has a political party for you. Yes, the “Party Hard” singer has jumped into the political ring with his own political party. As you might guess, it’s called The Party Party. Regardless of where you stand on the labels that tend to divide us, the uber-positive king of party hopefully has the group for you. Oh and he claims it to be absolutely real:

The Party Party is simple in its mission: To free the American people from the dysfunction that is our two party system. At best, bi-partisan politics has created an insurmountable divide that has separated the people into two categories of Democrat and Republican. The Party Party aims to provide an alternative to the divisive labeling of our current system. Most people have become too caught up in the bickering of our news cycles to realize that we ultimately desire the exact same things: reliable access to education, healthcare, and a sense of social equality. If enough people are willing to liberate themselves from choosing left or right, a third voice can emerge with a much more powerful message. A message that will open the eyes of our representatives and help them see that this “Us versus Them” mentality has kept our country from providing its people with a REAL sense of freedom. If we open our hearts and approach the problems we face with an open mind, real change can be achieved. We hope you will join us on this journey.

Whether or not Andrew W.K. will assume an elected office and actually unite our divided nation remains to be seen, but no matter how you feel about tort reform, it’s hard to deny the awesomeness of I Get Wet. And hey, he can’t possibly be worse than Trump. Let’s make America party again!

(Via Brooklyn Vegan)