The Tulane Football Team Busted Up A Fraternity’s Controversial Donald Trump Wall

Filed under ideas that aren’t very bright, the Kappa Alpha fraternity at Tulane University built a sandbag wall around its house with the name “Trump” and his slogan “Make America Great Again” spray painted on it. Apparently, several Tulane football players didn’t take too kindly to it.

Per the New Orleans Times-Picayune, multiple Tulane football players were part of an unidentified group of people who tore down the wall, originally built on April 7 at the off-campus house. The paper adds “the fraternity erects a wall around its private property every spring during the week leading up to its annual ‘Old South’ formal ball.” However, associating the temporary structure with Donald Trump and his 2016 presidential platform involving a certain “wall” could obviously be construed as racist and bigoted.

The frat’s leadership said its members added Trump’s name and slogan for satirical purposes, but suffice it to say that satire didn’t exactly go over well with the rest of the student body. Exactly which football players helped in the tear-down process isn’t known yet. The university’s vice president of student affairs said Tulane’s Greek Life Department is working with the chapter to address the incident. No doubt, the tradition will be more closely monitored moving forward.