An Extremely Patient Gamer Just Beat All Of ‘Fallout 3’ Without Healing Or Dying

Please beware that the video above these words is not a speed run, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive than the hyper-quick completions of games we know and love. In this video, which is the final entry into his long-running series, incredibly patient gamer Many A True Nerd has done something many would think impossible clearing all of Fallout 3’s DLC and main story without dying or even healing. It’s utterly fascinating when gamers are able to set insane times in speed runs of Bethesda’s expansive games, but those feats usually require glitching through walls and using any shortcut imaginable in order to complete the run. In this case, it’s 100 percent pure patience and skill that determines success or failure.

With a 5-minute speed run, you can always start over and try again. Short bursts of concentration are far easier to manifest when it’s go-time. But in this case, Many A True Nerd had to play for dozens of hours with supreme levels of concentration. There’s no healing, and no dying. If he somehow gets hit 20 hours into his run, he has to deal with it. If he dies 40 hours in — the whole effort was in vain.

The series may not be the most thrilling thing in the world, but you can’t deny the tension near the end when he gets down to a mere 96 HP. It’s this kind of innovative gaming that’s surely appreciated by the video-game community, even if it took days to get to that crescendo of suspense.

(Via GameRant)