You’ll Soon Be Able To Exercise In Front Of An IMAX Screen

To date, the best exercise you can get in an IMAX theater is the 14 calories you burn walking from your seat to the concession stand for an extra-large garbage bag full of popcorn, and back. That’s about to change. IMAXShift is an “immersive group cycling concept built around the primary components of the IMAX Experience,” which is a fancy way of saying, you can take your spin class in front of the same-height screen where you saw Interstellar, the spin class of movies (full of pretty people, super long, and you leave exhausted).

IMAXShift [offers] an immersive, thrilling, and effective workout, led by some of the industry’s most acclaimed instructors and powered by IMAX’s cinema-grade projection and sound technology. The purpose-built studio, which will accommodate up to 50 riders at a time, features IMAX’s patented theatre geometry and combines heart-pounding, crystal-clear audio, and sharp, hyper-real imagery on the legendary giant IMAX screen to completely immerse riders in a full sensory workout experience. (Via)

Start taking Dramamine now.

IMAXShift will debut at a test studio in Brooklyn on April 28. After the class, the screen will be torn down in favor of an old iMac G3 playing some Kurosawa film you’ve never heard of for four-straight months.

(Via PR Newswire)