What Does It Mean When Mercury Is In Retrograde?


Chronically late? Getting into a lot of arguments with the people around you? This could be your normal life, or Mercury is in retrograde! Yay!

If you, o astrology novice, hear people saying this constantly and have no idea what it means, then this explainer is for you. Here are your questions about Mercury retrograde, finally answered:

First of all, what does “retrograde” mean?

Retrograde means that to us, here on Earth, we observe another planet appearing to go backward when they pass us or vice versa in our orbit around the sun. Here’s how the website Molly’s Astrology likens it:

When you were a kid, did you ever go on long car trips, lie in the back seat and stick your feet out the window? If you pass a big car or truck passed you, it looks to you like it’s going backwards. Retrograde motion is a lot like that.

And even though retrogrades only appear as such, they apparently have an impact still.

What is Mercury retrograde?

Mercury is in retrograde approximately three times a year for around three weeks each time. In 2016, the year’s first Mercury retrograde occurred from January 5 to January 25. This current one began on April 28, and will last until May 22.

You may hear people saying that they were late to work because “Mercury is in retrograde” (as if they didn’t already have this issue). That’s because this phenomenon is said to muck up anything around “information, communication, travel, and commerce,” as Broadly’s resident astrologer Annabel Gat puts it. Astrologers like Gat often counsel people not to sign leases or make other big commitments during this time, or to at least expect shenanigans, since Congress hasn’t passed any law allowing us to put our lives on hold during a Mercury retrograde.

On the other hand:

Mercury retrograde does serve a purpose: To help you review the recent past and catch up on your work. If you allow yourself to slow down, Mercury retrograde can be a very healing and revealing time.

So slow down, proofread those emails to your boss, and budget some extra time during your commute.


What current events can we blame on Mercury being in retrograde?

Well, Ted Cruz’s recent gaffes in Indiana, of course. His trouble communicating with voters in Indiana most likely caused him to lose the state, and thus suspend his presidential campaign. Communication issues brought on Mercury’s orbit probably contributed to his failure to help Carly Fiorina when she fell off a stage, and him accidentally elbowing his wife in the face. Poor Ted.

As for the presumptive nominee himself, Donald Trump would do well to take the next couple of weeks off, and do some reflection on how to be a more palatable general election candidate. Steph Curry could also pin the blame on accidentally tweeting at a porn spambot on Mercury retrograde.

Are other planets in retrograde?

Yep — in fact, five planets are in retrograde right now. Besides Mercury, there are the Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Pluto retrogrades. So start googling what that could mean for you — things could get weird, if they haven’t done so already.