JetBlue Found An Unusual Way To Turn Crying Babies Into A Positive

Hearing a baby cry in public can be one of the most aggravating noises to most people, but it’s even worse when you’re stuck on a plane with a few crying infants or screaming toddlers for hours. JetBlue understands many of their passengers woes, and on April 14, the airline offered a group of passengers on a flight from JFK to Long Beach, California the chance to win 25 percent off a free flight if any of the five babies on the plane started to cry during the trip.

In their “FlyBabies” promotional video, JetBlue details the difficulties of flying with a baby from a mother’s perspective. A few of the mothers in the clip were most worried about their little ones getting tired and fussy mid-flight or having total meltdowns, which usually lead to dirty looks from other passengers. On that day, the other passengers were in for a big surprise when four of the five babies cried, and they all won free roundtrip flights compliments of the airline.

Elizabeth Windram, JetBlue’s director of brand management and advertising (and a mother of a toddler), said this about the company’s “FlyBabies” campaign in a statement:

“People smile at babies everywhere, except on planes. For Mother’s Day, we wanted to acknowledge how moms (indeed all parents and caregivers) often feel stressed while traveling with children.”

Unfortunately for now, this was only a one time offer for these lucky passengers. Maybe the company will have a change of heart and offer other amazing deals to other passengers in the future? Time will tell.

(Via JetBlue)