Earlier this week, a video taken from 50 Cent’s Twitter went viral in which the rapper accosts a young employee pushing a cart at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, accusing him of being high on the job. As it turned out, that young man was Andrew Farell, a 19-year-old with Asperger’s syndrome and severe hearing loss. Whoooops!
Farell’s family was predictably incensed that their disabled son had become the butt of a famous rapper’s joke on the internet, and reasonably demanded an apology. For what it’s worth, Fiddy has come through, and has not only personally apologized to Andrew and his family, but issued a public statement acknowledging his wrongdoing.
While the incident at the airport resulted from an unfortunate misunderstanding, I am truly sorry for offending the young man. It was certainly not my intent to insult him or the disability community, which is a source of great strength in America. I have apologized personally to him and his family.
Media reports quickly surfaced following the incident claiming that Farell’s family was considering a $1 million lawsuit. However, a lawyer for the family says that they would be satisfied with an apology. A hefty donation to autism charities probably wouldn’t hurt, either, although that might cut into Fiddy’s Effen vodka promotion money, the reason he had been in Cincinnati in the first place.