Michael Bay Saw A Sad Story In England So Now There’s A Dog In The Next ‘Transformers’!

About a week ago, British newspaper The Mirror ran a story titled “Britain’s loneliest dog? Poor pooch rejected more than 18,000 times during six years in kennels,” which told the heartbreaking tale of Freya, a Staffordshire bull terrier cross who was found as a stray puppy and has been living in the kennels at an animal shelter ever since. And to make matters worse, she was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, which has made finding a home even more difficult. Read the quotes and try to hold it together.

“She has been here many years and is constantly overlooked, which breaks our hearts as we adore her. We do not understand why she has been overlooked.

“Every year we update her age on the website and it absolutely breaks our hearts to see her getting older and has never had a home.

“She is a beautiful girl, so loving and friendly. She is our big baby.”

Oh God. Oh God. “She is our big baby.” Will no one in Britain step up and adopt this dog? Oh God. We have to do something. Anything. We just need one hero who is willing to do the right thing and give Freya a chanc-…

Wait a second. What’s that sound? Is… is it a helicopter? Where did it come from? And what is it doing here? Hold on. Is… is that Michael B-




Yesssssss Michael Bay saw a story in England about lonely dog and he put the dog in Transformers. Like, everyone else read that story and thought, “We have to get that dog a home,” but when Michael Bay read it, he jumped straight to, “I’ll put the dog in a movie about giant alien car robots fighting against each other on Earth and then I’ll find it a home.” Yes. Hell yes. I hope he goes full Michael Bay and puts Freya in a skintight white cocktail dress and has her dancing to techno music on a table at an exclusive club in Miami while robots tear the city apart outside.

(Quick note: Holy moly, imagine what that transition is going to be like for the dog, going from six years in a kennel to a pyro-laden Michael Bay film set. That’s like going from, well, six years in a kennel to a pyro-laden Michael Bay film set. There’s really no better analogy for it.)

But wait! The story gets better! Remember when Bay said he’ll bring the dog to his house if he can’t find her a home? Guess what Michael Bay’s dogs name are? Guess.

The director also said he’d find the dog a home and, should this prove impossible, bring her home to live with his two bullmastiffs, Bonecrusher and Grace.

I need a Bay-produced TNT detective series called Bonecrusher & Grace, with Michael Bay’s two bullmastiffs voiced by Michael Chiklis and Sarah Michelle Gellar, and I need it immediately.

(Via THR)