This Video Of A Teenage Drake Doing Improv Comedy Proves He Was Always Goofy

Drake has always displayed a natural charisma and comfort in his two stints as host of Saturday Night Live, and a recently uncovered video may hold some clues about why. As evidenced by a grainy video of him performing at Toronto’s historic Rivoli Theater, it appears that Drake has some improv experience in addition to his well known stint on the teenage drama series Degrassi. The video is making the rounds following a Canadian Broadcast Corporation feature on the nearly 35-year-old performance space.

The video features a goofy, teenage Drake onstage with another performer taking directions from the audience and improvising. The highlight of the video may be near the end where, at the prompting of any audience member, Drake “freestyles” a county-western song on the fly. While Drake is sometimes an easy figure to poke fun at, videos like this show why he seems to be able to always take it in stride. Of course, the astronomical success, millions of dollars, and near universal critical acclaim doesn’t hurt, but it’s clear that Aubrey Graham was a fearless performer willing to risk looking goofy as hell, long before he morphed into the singing, rapping, superstar that we know now.

(via Rolling Stone)