This Powerlifter Is Being Called The Iranian Hulk Thanks To These Insane Photos

Sajad Gharibi is a powerlifter in Iran who, at age 24, competes professionally and can lift almost 400 pounds (which is a feather compared to what The Mountain can lift, but is still impressive). While his powerlifting career may or may not work out for him, his accomplishments are not the primary reason he has amassed over 62,000 Instagram followers. No, that would be because Gharibi looks like The Incredible Hulk.

Fittingly, Gharibi has been given the nickname “The Iranian Hulk”and “The Persian Hercules” both of which are excellent. I mean, just look at him. He looks like a video game character.

Apparently, Gharibi wants to become a pro wrestler some day, as he called out former WWE Champion Triple H in one of his recent images. I have to imagine Vince McMahon salivated when he saw this picture for the first time.

Gharibi has even gotten in on the fun on his Instagram, playing to the fans who compare him to the Avenger.

Gharibi is far from the first man to try and look the part of Hulk but I’ll go out on a limb and say he wears it best. I have absolutely no idea how he goes anywhere or does anything being that massive, but I suppose it’s worth it if you get to be an internet celebrity.