Dozens Were Badly Burned After Attempting Tony Robbins’ Famous ‘Fire Walk’ Across Hot Coals

Look, it’s entirely possible to get in touch with your best self without running across a bed of fiery, burning coals. But, if you don’t believe me, take Tony Robbins’s “Unleash the Power Within” seminar. Just prepare yourself for some seriously burned feet.

Such was the lot cast with a few handfuls of folks participating in the event in Dallas on Friday, where 40 or so people were burned making the walk/run, with five of them transported to a nearby hospital by ambulance. Given that there were roughly 7,000 participants at the seminar, 40 is a fairly small percentage of people getting burned. But you know what would be an even better one? Zero. Zero percent burned.

Robbins spokesperson Jennifer Connolly (no, not that one) said that the hot coal walk has been a “celebrated part of this event for 35 years.” That’s cool, one would suppose. But you know what’s cooler? Not getting burns on your feet. Also, this isn’t the first time something like this happened. 21 of 6,000 participants were treated for burns after doing the same thing at the seminar in 2012. And again, that’s a pretty low ratio. But to repeat, an even lower one is ZERO.

Robbins’s special brand of… special branding, will be available to be experienced by all Netflix subscribers in a documentary titled I Am Not Your Guru to be released on July 15. If this sort of thing is your bag, maybe just watch the movie and forget the hot coals.

(via NPR & Vulture)