A New Service Plans Weddings For Brides Who Haven’t Found Mr. Right Yet

Life as a single person living in a city can be a difficult thing. In some cases, it might seem hopelessthanks for pointing that out, Aziz. Dating sites or apps can certainly help, but trends within that world evolve so fast, it’s like an ever changing wild west. That’s why Vancouver native Alexandra Gill stepped in and started a service that frees women from the trials and tribulations of the entire game.

Gill conceived of a wedding planning and consultation service called “Marry Yourself Vancouver” for solo brides in her BC home that are looking to get hitched. She says it’s exactly a legal marriage , but a symbolic one, to instill confidence and self-worth.

Launched last week, her first client has already come knocking. “We’ve had one woman approach us. She hopes to have a ceremony in August.” Gill explains, “So, we will be meeting with her soon and talking about her different desires to help her put it together.” Based on their website and Facebook page, it looks like the plans have the potential to be rather elaborate.

Gill is not only pushing this service as a supporter of self-marriage. She just celebrated her tenth anniversary to—herself. Last month seven ladies in Vancouver, including Gill, renewed their vows a decade after getting hitched…to themselves. Photos of the event were posted to their site. But are you losing the nuances and intimate moments that often define a beautiful wedding ceremony? Hell, most of the staples of the wedding night require another person, but maybe they’ve found a way around all that.