We Now Know Which Size Of Pizza To Order, Thanks To Math

Say you’re having a house party for 20 people. Yay for house parties! You, ever the gracious host, want to order pizza for all your friends… but you’re sort of cheap. Do you get two larges or go for the family-sized pie?

Unless you want more discount pizza crust in your life, the right answer is the second choice. As AsapSCIENCE proves in their latest video, the larger the pizza, the more value you’re getting as a customer.

A 16-inch pizza isn’t twice the size of an 8-incher — it’s four times as large, area-wise.

Find that hard to believe? Do the math yourself. You remember that equation you had drilled into your head back in geometry? The area of a circle equals pi times the square of the circle’s radius? That’s all this is: plugging in numbers of two circles…that just happen to be edible.

The best part about the pizza equation is that a large pizza isn’t usually twice the cost of a small pizza, let alone four times the cost. To get the same amount of pizza as a 20-incher provides, you’d have to buy six 8-inchers, which AsapSCIENCE estimates would cost you nearly two and a half times more. (If you’re baffled by that last sentence and/or more of a visual learner, just look at the photo below. The scale may be off in the pizzas, but you get the idea.)

There are a couple downsides that the video fails to mention. Because when you’re feeding 20 people one pizza, you have to pick one flavor to satisfy everyone. Also, one pizza means you can’t cut the pizza into those satisfying wedges. (Well, you could, but they’d be thin, and you’d look cheap.)

Still, it’s food for thought. And for your belly. And if you’re a person who loves leftovers, you’ll definitely know how to max your return on investment from now on.

Check out the full video from AsapSCIENCE below: