The IOC Says 32-Year-Old Ryan Lochte And The U.S. Swimmers Were Just ‘Kids’ Having Fun

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Ryan Lochte’s rendevouz at a Brazilian gas station grows stranger by the day. Lochte initially claimed that he and other members of the U.S. swimteam were held up at gun point. The details of that particular story came off as strange from the beginning.

It didn’t take long for police to unravel Lochte’s troublesome tale. Security footage caught U.S. swimmers on tape fighting with a security guard on the night of the alleged robbery. The protocol when one lies about being held at gun point in a foreign country and then try to hop on a plane to avoid any repercussions is to apologize and explain your faulty decision making. These U.S. swimmers don’t have any plans to do that.

IOC spokesman Mario Andrada chalked up their decision not to apologize as completely normal; that we should “give these kids a break.”

Ryan Lochte is 32 years old. No one would call LeBron James, just a few months younger than Lochte, a kid. There are lots of crazy things about this Lochte story, but treating him like a kid takes the cake… so far.

(Via Twitter)