The Director Of ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Explains The Title. Sort Of

One thing we’ve never had a definitive answer to while pouring over Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailers and Easter eggs is what, exactly, “Rogue One” means. Maybe it’s a reference to the Rogue Squadron founded by by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles? Does the Battle of Yavin figure into things? EMPIRE posed the question about the title’s meaning to the film’s director, Gareth Edwards, although it should be noted the previous scriptwriter Gary Whitta may have named it.

The full interview will be in issues of EMPIRE on newsstands tomorrow, but they’ve already printed his vague explanation of the multiple choice meaning behind “Rogue One”:

Rogue One is a military call sign to some extent,” he adds, referring to Red Squadron during the Battle of Yavin, “but this is the first film that’s gone off-piste and is not part of the saga — or the Anakin story — so it’s the ‘rogue’ one, you know?”

There’s potentially another meaning to it too, relating to Felicity Jones’ interplanetary guerrilla Jyn Erso. […] “It’s kind of describing her as well in a similar way. It has [all] these split, multiple meanings that made it feel like the right choice.”

It’s so deep, you guys. But we’re going to say it’s all about Jyn Erso. This episode is “The One Where She Rebels.”

(Via EMPIRE and The Mary Sue)