You Can Now Register To Vote On SnapChat, What A Time To Be Alive

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The right to vote is something much of the nation takes for granted. With a little legwork and a few forms filled out, all citizens can march to their polling location and help shape not only their future, but lay the groundwork for the next generation. And yet, we don’t take the time to do it.

In 2014, only 36 percent of eligible voters turned out for the mid-term elections. According to the Washington Post, the overwhelming reason for not filling out their ballot was due to being, “too busy.” Currently, there are nearly 40 million social media users in the U.S. that are on Snapchat, 70% of which are college-aged students. Those same students that are both the lifeblood of an election season, and also damn busy.

And so, through Turbovote in Snapchat, you can register to vote. From now until October 15, as soon as a Snapchat user sees a video ad for Turbovote, they can swipe up and be directed right to a registration site to get you set in just about sixty seconds. That’s it. Sixty seconds.

Or you can just click here. That works too.

The presidential election is close now. Take a minute on Snapchat to register (remember you have to vote on November 8 still), then maybe Snapchat about registering on Snapchat. That meta stuff goes over well.

Or you can just click here, remember.

(Via Mashable)