Jimmy Kimmel Delivers The President Obama We’ve Always Wanted In A Special Unnecessary Censorship

It’s been a long eight years, and President Obama has had to deal with a lot of garbage in his two terms that no other United States president has — from constant conspiracies about his birth certificate to a Congress more divided then ever — and understandably has no farts left to give. As such, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Obama revealed that the White House is not actually all that different from what we see on Veep, behind the curtains, because he “curses a lot and says he uses more foul language than he probably should.” Our president has got the mouth of a truck driver!

In honor of Obama’s reveal, Jimmy Kimmel put together a special edition of his “Unnecessary Censorship” segment, because while Obama’s staff gets to overhear him going on profanity-laced rants, we don’t, so this is just a taste of what eight years of bleeps and blurs might have been like. Starting off, a pre-grey haired Obama says in a presidential address: “I told leaders of both parties that they must come up with a fair compromise in the next few days that can pass both houses of Congress. And a co** that I can su**.”

Mr. President!