Allison Williams Says An Emotional Goodbye To ‘Girls’

It was reported back in January that Lena Dunham‘s HBO comedy Girls will be ending after its upcoming sixth season. The show and the millennials that inhabit it have gone through some serious ups and downs (although this past season was surprisingly excellent), but it’s impossible to deny that the show has had an impact. Say what you will about Dunham, she did craft a show of complex individuals and created young women that were allowed to be deeply, humanly flawed. Whether you will miss Hannah Horvath or merely roll your eyes at the so-called voice of her generation, something unique will definitely be lost when the last episode airs.

Allison Williams, whose Marnie Michaels probably underwent the biggest transformation over the show’s run, has taken to Instagram to express her thanks to Dunham for creating the character for her and to express her bittersweet feelings over the end of the show. Filming for Girls wraps this week, and Williams finished last night, saying that “Marnie has officially gone wherever all characters go when we stop watching them.” She posted a number of cute pictures commemorating her time on Girls, which was the show that gave her her first big break.

Marnie wasn’t always a particularly easy character to like, and that is part of what made her important. The Hollywood myth is that all women have to be agreeable, amenable, and bangable at every moment, so it was refreshing to see characters that were at times entitled, fallible, and, well, human. We’ll miss you and your terrible music videos, Marnie. Thanks for making Type A cool again.

(Via Instagram)