Donate Some Of Your Time And Help Us Raise $10K For Charity, Won’t You?

As you guys may have noticed, it’s “that time of year” — a time of giving, as they say. So we here at UPROXX have been trying to figure out a cause to donate to and a way to get some of you — our dear, loyal readers — involved as well. And then the folks at Guinness approached us with an idea.

You see, Guinness recently introduced a special edition holiday beer, and its release is tied to a volunteer program, the Guinness Generous Hour, designed to inspire the invaluable gift of volunteering your time.

In short, Generous Hour invites people to pledge how they’ll do something generous with their time this holiday season, recognizing that generosity comes in many forms – whether volunteering for a cause, being the designated driver or even lending fantasy football advice to the last place team in your league. We firmly believe that when people see other doing acts of generosity, they’ll too be inspired to do the same.

So here’s the bottom line: For each one of you who visits the Guinness Generous Hour Facebook App and pledges to devote at least 10 hours of your time to doing one of the ten things below, Guinness will donate $100 to the cause of our choosing, up to our $10,000 goal. The pledge options are below and are hyperlinked. Once you click through, all you have to do is click “pledge” on the bottom left corner. It looks like this

Easy, right?  So pledge one of these options below by clicking a link and hitting the pledge button and help us raise $10,000 for charity!

· Smile and start a conversation with strangers.
· Be the designated driver.
· Prepare a care package for an overseas soldier.
· Spend time with the friends and family that I miss.
· Volunteer time to a local or national cause.
· Prepare meals in a soup kitchen.
· Read to the blind.
· Help to clean a local park.
· Coach a youth sports team.
· Volunteer at an animal shelter.

Now, there’s one last part to this: what to donate the money raised to? We passed around a few ideas — mainly charities involved with helping people touched by the Newtown shootings or Hurricane Sandy — but figured we’d open it up to you guys for suggestions. Your input is appreciated in the comments and feel free to share this post and your pledge with friends.