Chris Christie Ate A Donut On Letterman Last Night, Could Barely Fit Into The Guest’s Chair

Last night, just after 11:00, I received the following series of texts from my lady friend, who was watching Letterman at the time: “Oh man. Chris Christie has gained weight…He can barely fit in the seat…His pants are up to his neck…Letterman is straight up asking him to go on a diet.” A little later, I watched the interview on my DVR and discovered she was right — Christie basically had to wedge himself into the chair sideways in order to fit in it.

Now, though a few conservative-leaning UPROXX commenters have accused me in the past of being a liberal hack, in reality that’s not really the case. I have, believe it or not, voted for Republicans quite a few times in my life, and Chris Christie is a guy I could see myself possibly voting for. I think he’s one of the good guys in American politics, someone motivated mainly by a desire to make the world a better place. He also just seems like a he’d be a fun dude to hang with, as evidenced in the clip below when he pokes some good-natured fun at himself by eating a donut mid-interview.

With that said, I’m seriously worried about Chris Christie dying on us if he doesn’t lose some damn weight. Dude seriously needs to dial back the eating and starting walking vigorously for an hour a day or something. He just turned 50 for Christ’s sake. Come on, Chris, you can do this!

Anyway, enjoy…

(GIF via)