What’s on Tonight: Newhart on ‘NCIS’

NCIS (CBS) — Bob Newhart guest stars. Whoa whoa whoa. An old person? On CBS? Am I reading this right?

White Collar (USA) — Winter premiere. The people who tell me I should watch “White Collar” have to be some of the most bored people in America. “You should watch it. It’s actually pretty good for what it is.” Oh, what a tantalizing description! Sign me up to spend an hour watching this blandly handsome white man!

Life Unexpected (CW) — Series finale. Calling it a “series finale” is a nice way of saying “no one watched it for two seasons and it’s not getting renewed.”

Parenthood (NBC) — Dax Shepard was on “Conan” last night. Dax Shepard should never be on anything ever.

Southland (TNT) — I gave this a shot for the first time since it started airing on TNT, and you know what? I actually kind of enjoyed it. It’s not as formulaic as most cop shows, and I like the way that it’s shot. Or maybe I just have a crush on Ryan from “The O.C.” Who can say?

Bizarre Food with Andrew Zimmern (Travel) — Season premiere. I don’t think I’ve ever said anything about this show except some variation of “Andrew Zimmern eats genitals.” But seriously, that dude eats a lot of genitals.

Yeesh. That’s a pretty boring night, so here’s a dog walking three other dogs:

[Telegraph UK, as seen on my tumblr]