Justin Bieber Fainted And Collapsed On Stage Last Night

Precious Canadian figurine Justin Bieber passed another milestone on the “young superstar morphs into a crackhead” checklist last night in London when he collapsed on stage due apparently to “exhaustion.”

Reports TMZ:

A source close to Justin tells us the singer felt woozy during the show at the O2 Arena … and with 4 songs to go, he stumbled backstage where he collapsed. We’re told the singer was pulled into a private room where he was treated with oxygen from emergency personnel.

Biebs’ manager then went on stage and informed the moist, panting Beliebers in the crowd that their boy God was backstage suffering for them and the art he performing: “Justin’s got very light breath. The whole show he’s been complaining. He’s backstage with the EMTs and the doctor.” After getting some rest the Swaggy Bro finished the show and was taken to a hospital for tests immediately after the show, where he posted the image up top to Instagram with the note, “Gettin better listening to Janice Joplin.” The comments on the pic are predictably hilarious.

Meanwhile, the shirtless twat’s feeling better and is trying to figure it all out, man…

I wonder if he knows that Janis Joplin died of an overdose?