Here’s The Bruce Jenner VS. Jimmy Fallon Awkward Confrontation Everyone’s Been Waiting For

“You basically manhandled me the whole interview” – Jimmy Fallon

It’s always a highlight when the target of jokes gets to go on the TV show where he or she has received the brunt of the slander. We got to witness one of those special occasions as Bruce Jenner – he of the Vanilla Sky face – took to Jimmy Fallon’s couch to get some revenge for all the jokes aimed at his enhanced face.

As usual, the host’s job is to let the guest get his revenge and send out as many shots as possible with his writers even helping the guest with material. And the guest is supposed to look like a good sport for even showing up. The we the audience get to feel like we watched something rare happen.

That pretty much happened here but Jenner’s all-around creepiness and weirdness upped the awkward levels while Jimmy cracking up in typical Jimmy fashion made this all-around pretty funny.

Bonus: why does Bruce say “Kanye” so weirdly? Is it me or is he emphasizing the wrong syllable here? Dah well. Enjoy!