Lady Gaga’s Performance Of ‘The Edge Of Glory’ on Howard Stern Was Pretty Great

Yes, I know — I covered Lady Gaga’s appearance on the Howard Stern show yesterday, but at the time I wrote the post Stern’s staff still hadn’t uploaded footage of her performing “The Edge Of Glory” on the show. And earlier a couple of friends were discussing it on Twitter so I checked it out and was like, “Oh….OHHHH.”

You see, with the human freakshow that is Lady Gaga, it’s easy to forget that behind the fame monster is a cunning, classically trained performer who basically invented a persona when it became crushingly apparent to her that she was probably destined for a life of artistic struggle and obscurity unless she reinvented herself as something outrageous. And her performing this song solo, just she and a piano, was a stunning reminder of how truly talented she really is. Bitch can flat-out sing. Real talk.

Speaking of which, I think the music Tumblr Atlas Rocked summed it up well

Seriously, when “Just Dance” came out, did ANYONE think the woman behind it was 1) an uber-talented singer, and 2) on the cusp of becoming an avant-garde fashion icon? Very similar to Kanye West’s career arc. Nobody thought he’d be the artistic force he is now back when “Through the Wire” came out. It’s been wild watching these two develop.

I couldn’t put it better myself. Here’s the video…