Andy Richter’s Crazy Rhubarb Lady Impression Is Astonishingly Fantastic

Three. That’s  how many watches it took me to become 90% sure it is actually Andy Richter portraying our favorite rhubarb-obsessed insane woman to perfection in this sketch from last night’s Conan.

First watch it didn’t even dawn on me that it could possibly be Andy in drag. The “B*TCH!” cadence was too spot-on. All I saw was Crazy Rhubarb Lady. For a moment I even thought they may have found the actually lady, stuffed her full of meds, and somehow talked her into participating in the sketch. But that idea is as crazier than she is (not really). So I watched for a second time and it dawned on me that holy sh*t that could be Andy. Or at the very least Rocky Richter. Further still-by-still investigation and comment verification has me mostly convinced, just not 100% sure.

My continued uncertainty is the greatest compliment I could possible give.

Team Coco