Mega Gallery: The Stupid, Awesome, But Mostly Stupid Wrestler Tattoo Trivia Challenge

Uh, okay, well, that’s great and all, but not exactly what we meant when we said “stupid wrestler tattoo challenge.” But that’s pretty well done, you got Hogan’s wrinkles perfect. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s where your back tried to escape itself.
Today’s With Leather contest featuring Fabulous Prizes is the newest Mega Gallery to combine badly tattooed athletes with crudely photoshopped question marks: the pro wrestling exclusive sequel to last week’s Athlete Tattoo Trivia Challenge. Here’s the rub. You click through the gallery and try to identify the ink-having fake fighters you see. Challenge yourself and try not to use Google. Or do, I’ll never know. I picked wrestlers from all levels, from around the world, past, present and (in some cases, debatably) future. Anyway, write down your answers in a handy list and clandestinely e-mail them to me at Yes, I am an adult with a Legend of Zelda G-mail address. Did you think I was gonna be cool BEFORE you clicked on my pro wrestling Internet blog?
On Friday at noon Eastern Time, I will tally the scores and the Top 3 scores will get a very special prize – a limited edition first print With Leather t-shirt courtesy of our very own Burnsy. And you’ll enjoy that shirt, because I got a job writing here and they won’t even give ME one. Try not to spoil the answers in the comments section if you can help it. I know if you’re a wrestling fan you might not know what “manners” and “functional society” are, but give it your best go.

He has the “Forever Alone” guy on the other arm.