Friday Morning Links: I Got This, You Got This

That’s still a thing, isn’t it?

20 Of The Greatest Flash Mobs Ever Conducted – If I was God, the first thing I’d get rid of would be airplane turbulence. My second act would be to make the Reverse Flash real, so he could put his fingers in the brains of Improv Everywhere and vibrate them until they died. [Uproxx]

Cupcake Orgy: The Definitive Collection Of Elaborately Themed Cupcakes – The weird iris cupcake was my favorite part of Bridesmaids. I also like that “making desserts” has replaced “being a magazine reporter” as the default romantic comedy job for women. [Uproxx]

Who Is Karin Catherine Waldegrave? – And while we’re at it, who is Paula Schultz? [Uproxx]

A FilmDrunk Exclusive: Trailer for The Facts of Life XXX – I wanted this trailer to be so much more. I wanted the mentally handicapped girl to show up, or at least Tootie’s pre-Crisis roller skates. I think I might know too much about The Facts of Life to be a heterosexual adult human male. [Film Drunk]

The Smoking Jacket’s 69 Sexist Celebrities – I really need to get in on this, just to guarantee that the top five is just Thora Birch, Picture Perfect Portia Perez, and like three pictures of the girl from Paramore. [Smoking Jacket]

The Most Photographed Spot In NYC Sells Mousepads – The second most photographed spot in New York is that homeless guy dressed like Elmo in Times Square. [Smoking Section]

Remembering A Video Game Classic: Shaq Fu – I’m still sad 20 years later that Aaron Carter isn’t a secret, super powerful character. [With Leather]

Lil Wayne’s “Tha Carter IV” Gets A New Release Date – Between now and then he’s going to record 450 songs and release 11 mix tapes. [Real Talk NY]

The Top 5 Happiest Countries In The World (According To North Korea) – I don’t care about the political reasons for this list, I’m just upset that Brazil isn’t on there. Brazil has every single reason in the Earth to be happy (women, sports, rainforests, beaches, giant statues of Christ), I refuse to believe they’re 6 or below. [Buzzfeed]

DC Comics Rebooting Everything, Starting With Justice League – Anybody want to know why I stopped collecting comics? Because they just reboot everything every few years, and nobody who dies actually stays dead, and nothing is of consequence. They should reboot Ctrl+Alt+Del so that miscarriage thing didn’t happen. [Gamma Squad]

A New (Star Wars-Muppets Cross-Promotional Merchandising) Hope – This would be cooler if they got rid of all the Star Wars. [Topless Robot]

Hooray The PlayStation Network is fully restored Now, you can ignore it in peace – For a while, PSN has been nothing but identity theft and 13-year olds calling me the n-word with no repercussions. Thankfully now I won’t have any more identity theft. [Fark]

Ridiculously Awesome Band Logo Tattoos – Starland Vocal Band? They suck! [UGO]

Five Minutes To Kill (Yourself) Airport – I’m happy we’re moved on enough to have flash games about dying at the airport seem fun again. [Adult Swim]

Russian Cyborg Super Soldier Dog: God Help Us (Picture) – This is the kind of thing I want to see fighting the X-Men, not a bunch of 60s Cubans. [Fork Party]

Ten More Movie Songs You’ll Never Forget – And one you will: “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” by Starship, from the major motion picture Mannequin. [Gunaxin]

Movie Trailer of the Day: First official trailer for Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest – The title is too long for me to make any jokes (just go watch it). [The Daily What]