‘Breaking Bad’s’ Salamanca Cousins Go On Vacation, Win The Damn Internet

Cajun Boy will be along soon with his recap of last night’s phenomenal episode of Breaking Bad, and soon thereafter, Josh will have his Breaking Bad power rankings. Until then, you can snack on Chet Manley’s always terrific Breaking Bad GIFs post.

In the meantime, Daniel and Luis Moncada — real-life brothers best known as “The Cousins,” i.e., Leonel and Marco Salamanca, the nephews of Hector Salamanca who were gunned down by Hank in the season three episode, “One Minute” — recently went on vacation to Hawaii, after being invited by a Redditor. As Luis Moncado wrote:

So this crazy MutherF**ker invites US to his estate in Hawaii. At first, I thought he was bullsh*tting or maybe Jeffrey Dhamer’s brother trying to lure us in. Because who in their right f**king mind would invite US to stay at their property?! So we said “WTF” lets go kill this Motherf**ker. Well, he turned out to be tougher than we thought…We were not able to harass him at his own Domicile…So after much persuasion we were able to work out a deal. So next time you wanna venture to the Big Island of Hawaii mention our name for the SALAMANCA HOOK UP! REAL SH*T

I barely understand what any of that means, but the photos the Salamanca Cousins took were crazy fantastic and basically prove that you can take the Salamanca Cousins out of Breaking Bad but you can’t take the Breaking Bad out of the Salamancas.

Check out their charming vacations photos below.

I so want to hang out with those guys, and by that I mean, take out a permanent restraining order against those guys. Even when they’re relaxing, they look like they want to kill a bitch.

(via Reddit)